The subject of data protection is becoming more and more important
After the federal legislature and thus subsequently the state legislation regulated this topic by means of the Federal Data Protection Act and now even an EU-wide regulation with its own legal effect has been published, all natural persons as well as all companies are obliged to protect the data of staff, customers and others have a duty to provide information and a duty to delete. Every business owner is obliged to comply with legal obligations – because in addition to the possibility of imposing fines, prison sentences can also be sentenced.
The Federal Data Protection Act and the Federal Institute for IT Security ( contain similar test points such as access control, access control and others. In many
I am repeatedly approached on the subject of data protection and data protection officers. In general, according to § … BDSG, every company with 10 or more employees who deal with data processing must appoint a data protection officer. Good – there is the possibility of bypassing – but in principle the owner is responsible for compliance with data protection and is made liable accordingly by the state data protection authority if there is an abuses in this area. The fines can be sensitive, in each individual case up to € 50,000 or even € 300,000. Or the business owner could even end up with a prison sentence (to my knowledge, however, that has never been judged). All in all:Everyone should be aware that this topic must be considered in any case for every businessman / woman. According to the latest reports, government agencies are currently in the process of preparing real possibilities – including the physical – destruction of computer systems, or they already have them. See the article in Spiegel here: “The NSA is preparing for the cyber campaign” from January 18, 2015
We oversee a company’s data protection strategy and its implementation to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements.
We provide project management expertise and organize the activities required to ensure that compliance is met
Ensure that your organization meets the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU. Contact our experts now